Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I am feeling so blue, don't know why
It's start with no reason
It's doesn't know season
And it's will gone by

I watched glee
It told me much about this life
I just feel free
It make me relieve

Sometimes in this life
We just realise
What we can do to make all those feelings
Right in the places they should be
I will free
Because it's what God had designed for me
I'm flying
I'm walking
with Him

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Saling Berebut News

Saat ini, aku bekerja sebagai seorang jurnalis. Menulis cerita, mereview sesuatu, meng-update berita terbaru, memperhatikan hal-hal sekeliling untuk ditulis, maupun memberikan pengajaran yang sumbernya dari orang lain tiap hari kulakukan. Makin hari aku harus makin baik, itu motivasiku.
Hari ini ada sesuatu yang menggelitik hatiku. Dalam menulis artikel-artikel, terutama news, terbagi menjadi 4 orang. Di antara empat orang ini, bisa dibilang kami harus berusaha keras. Selain harus mencari news yang berbobot dan dibaca banyak orang, kami juga harus bersaing untuk memperebutkan news yang dianggap paling diminati.
Tadi barusan ada yang mengatakan bahwa Indonesia akan di-ban (dilarang) menggunakan Blackberry. News ini sesuatu yang menarik. Tiba-tiba ada yang nyeletuk, "Udah aku angkat ya..." (Maksudnya news tersebut udah dibuat olehnya). Aku memposisikan diriku menjadi teman yang mengatakan pertama kali itu. Memang bukan dia yang pertama kali lihat news tersebut dan ingin mengangkatnya, tapi itu berarti dia harus mencari news lain yang juga menarik. Aku langsung berpikir, "Wah, harus cepat nih melihat news yang bagus..."
Apa yang aku tangkap dari situ? Aku merasa persaingan itu memang sangat diperlukan dalam kehidupan kita, agar kita mencapai hal-hal yang lebih baik lagi. Tanpa persaingan, kita tidak punya motivasi untuk mencari hal-hal yang lebih baik lagi, lebih lagi dari orang lain. Kita harus selalu berusaha lebih baik dalam setiap segi kehidupan kita. Dalam dunia bisnis, karir, keuangan, keluarga, kebahagiaan, penerimaan diri, hidup, kemampuan, dan semua hal lainnya.
Sama seperti kerohanian kita. Ketika kita melihat orang lain melayani Tuhan dengan lebih, seharusnya kita lebih lagi berusaha untuk melayani Tuhan. Memberikan kepada-Nya persembahan yang lebih lagi. Tentu saja bukan dengan kekuatan sendiri, namun kita harus punya sikap hati seperti itu, sehingga Tuhan memampukan kita. Setujukah Anda?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lucunyaaa Suri Cruise ini

Namanya Suri...lucu ya tampangnya, bikin gemes mau nyubit pipinya ^^
Waktu masih bayi nih....

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wisdom : It's Your Choice

My pastor in his speech yesterday, give us something to think. "Do you want to be like a fool for 5 minutes because you asking something you don't know, or you wanna be fool forever because you afraid to ask?" I think it's really something to think about.
I just realized that for along time and in my youth, when i was still have a school, I always afraid to ask if i don't know something. If i asked my teacher, the other students will make a fun of me. They look me like, "Oh, you're such an idiot." If i asked my friends, i must asked them twice 'till i get it. They will very tired explain it to me then they will never ever again told me.
Now, i just realized that i'm really stupid. What for i do that for? Why i'm not asking so now i would not have been this stupid? Hehehehehe, it's really in my mind now.
To be a wisdom person, all you have to do just ask. Ask if you don't know something, ask if you don't understand. Just ask when you need an explanation. Just ask for your own good things. Well, just like that. Wisdom is not about brain, how you thought. It's about heart. How do you feel...Do you feel like you always wanna learn something? Do you feel the passion of Wisdom of God, the Greatest Wisdom of All? That's important to God. It's not because you have doctoral degree, you have several title, or you learn overboard. It's not because you are so smart. It's not. It's because you have a pure heart that wanna learn about the Word of God. It's because when people told you the right path, you wanna learn and do that path.
I hope, i really hope that i will learn so much...I wanna learn to be better. I wanna become an useful person to others. I hope that my life is not just like this, but give contribution, at least to my family and also to my Savior. The Greatest God...